
Solar Farms
We are leading consultants in visual impact assessment of solar farms in Australia.
We pride ourselves on preparing targeted, project-responsive reports, and in partincular our strength in being able to talk in a professional and personable way to regional property owners.

State Significant Major Projects
Sustainable Road Resource Centre
Visual impact assesment for this state significant, major new industrial development in Sydney's Rosehill area with some components over 40m high.

Infrastructure Corridors
ACT Second Electricity Supply Project
Visual impact assessment for substantial upgrade of existing electricity capacity on Canberra's developing urban fringe.
Involved a number of major transmission lines and a new substation.

Transport Corridors
Sydney Inner West Light Rail Project
This new light rail has now been built along a previous freight line through Sydney's inner west from Lilyfield to Dulwich Hill. We prepared a Privacy Mitigation & Visual Management Plan.

Scenic Management Strategies
We have prepared major scenic managment policy documents for local government: Lake Macquarie City Council's Scenic Management Guidelines and Penrith City Council's Scenic and Cultural Landscapes Study

Rail Infrastructure
Transport for NSW Stations
Envisage have prepared visual impact reports for many TfNSW projects, including for major station upgrades of stations in Sydney, the Centrol Coast and Illawarra, as well as proposed multi-storey car parks at several stations.

Strategic Planning Support
Ourimbah land use strategy & master plan
Envisage worked with City Plan Services on this major strategic project, with our role providing expertise on option development, planning and the town centre public domain.

View loss/sharing analysis
We prepare view loss/sharing anlysis reports for a range of proposed development incuding coastal private properties, apartment buildings and state government facilities. One large project involved view loss analysis of more than 20 residential properties due to a proposed major school upgrade on NSW’s north coast.

Visual impact assessment of numerous telecommunications monopoles and towers, including four in Lake Macquarie and one in the scenic Tweed Valley on the NSW north coast.

Urban development
Visual assessment/urban design inputs to planning proposals and other proposed urban development, such as a major land parcel around the previous Kurri Kurri Smelter in the Hunter.